Sunday, March 29, 2009

Day Thirteen - Meet Marco's Evil Twin (Tue., Mar 17th)

    Today’s Schedule:
  • Group Stretch (1 hr)
  • Bike Ride (2 hrs)
  • 1-hour cardio
  • partner training (1 hr)
  • Boot camp in the gym (1 hr)
What a rude awakening! Someone from Minnesota called both my cellphone (which was off) and the apartment phone (which was NOT off) at 5:30 in the freakin’ morning! Didn’t leave a message. And when I called back, I heard a “this is an invalid number” message. WTF! Despite my drastic change in schedule from the last several years, I am not a morning person and I DON’T LIKE TO BE AWAKENED FROM SLEEP! None of us do, right? RIGHT. Since I couldn’t get back to sleep and I was too annoyed to go back to sleep, even though I had another hour before I had to get up, I got online to check how your days are starting, and Chris gets me going with a good laugh. Thanks, Chris!

I re-read some of my Daily Journals, too, and need to make a few corrections now that I’m less ignorant than I was two weeks ago. The weather does warm up here…should be in the 70s this week and maybe low 80s next week. PERFECT! Marco, if I understand correctly, supervised the trainers who trained the boxers in Oscar de la Hoya’s organization. AND he used to be a major bodybuilder (still waiting on photos, Marco!). Venice Beach is too far of a walk from the apartments, however I can handle it on my bike.

I had mentioned that I’m usually anxious about what the day’s workouts will be like. Despite my bad dream that was Saturday, I’m actually no longer anxious – until maybe when I see The Dunes or The Santa Monica Stairs on them. Although, I expect that by the time those appear on my schedule, I’ll actually be ready for them.

I had a rather uneventful day. Marco gave a bunch of us a really good stretching session. I really love doing that. This was followed by a bike ride with Schuyler, but first with some annoyance ‘cause my schedule said to “eat a meal before” the ride. Well…we’re supposed to inhale a breakfast? That’s not right. Kinda pissed me off and I let him know it (wasn’t his fault…I just wanted it conveyed to the other trainers that it’s unreasonable for us to have to hurry up and eat before a big workout). There was a meal scheduled immediately before the boot camp workout at the end of the day, too….i.e., it said, “eat a meal before.” I don’t understand that. Anyway, I started the bike ride in a bit of a pissy mood which wasn’t helped by the fact that we were doing the “stinky beach” way which is more bumpy and hilly. It ended up being a good ride…the hills were still there but the smell wasn’t this time. The wind was in our favor. There’s one nasty hill near the end; I’ve made it over that hill both times, but not much further than that hill – which means I haven’t made it to the end yet. This time I made it up the hill; I find that if I get some momentum when I approach the hill it helps a little bit. The hill is still a bitch, but I made it over, and this time when about ¾ of a mile further. So, I did 14 miles instead of 13 as the last time (just like the Santa Monica Pier beach ride!) and including the ride to and from the gym, I did another mile. So, a 15-mile day in which I’m pleased. I’m really beginning to like this biking thing. OH, this time, however, for the first time I started feeling pains in my kneecap. I’ll elaborate on that later.

The bike ride ended at 11am and I didn’t have another workout scheduled ‘til 2pm (lunch was in between), so I worked on my posture exercises on my own, and then Sean convinced me to get on a stationary bike and do some more cardio/fat-burning. So I did. I thought I was getting weighed on Tuesday thus I figured it would be a good way to burn off more calories. I’ve mentioned that I have Broadway show tunes on my MP3 player. I love ‘em. They get me going and put me in great spirits. That’s how I get through the next hour of cardio ‘cause NOW only ONE TV on one of the treadmills is working properly (and I can’t watch CSI re-runs). It’s OK, ‘cause when I hear Benny Goodman’s “Sing Sing Sing” from the show “Fosse” I just wanna tap dance and clap my hands on the treadmill ;-) This was followed by partner training with Eric. This time he had Felleng (from S. A.) and me working on butt and legs (let me tell you….my butt is sore this morning!). It’s so interesting to me that even if we’re not doing anything strenuous, simple exercises like kneeling on one knee on the BOSU ball for 60-seconds can really get your heart pumping. Another good workout (they all are, really), although I noticed that my kneecaps are starting to hurt more than usual.

This was followed by inhaling a meal again (grrrrrrrr) and boot camp with Marco. “Boot Camp” usually means a variety of exercise drills, rather than repetitions on a machine or with weights. Well, it think Marco’s Evil Twin Brother showed up ‘cause he had us doing “pyramids” in which you start with the heaviest free weights doing a particular exercise and work your way down the weights with more or less repetitions. Bicep curls, back rows, shoulder presses, tricep extensions, lateral raises (hate these!), dead lifts, and squats with the kettlebell weights, and cardio in between each rough. Oh, plus there was this exercise where you hold the dumbbell with a pancake hold (flat hands between the hole between your two thumbs and index fingers), hold the dumbbell behind your head, and then lift up and down. I think that Evil Twin gave me a 20lb weight the first time. Aaaaaargh! I got through them, but barely! I noticed, too, when I was doing the squats that my kneecaps were really hurting every time I bent, and I wasn’t getting the muscle work in my legs…so that made me think I wasn’t doing it right. The problem was actually that the patellas in my kneecaps had probably been overworked today, so afterwards Marco said that when I returned home I should prop them up and ice them for a while just to get the inflammation down. And that’s what I was doing last night….watching “Dancing with the Stars” with ice packs on my knees and my ankles (‘cause they were hurting, too). I learned that when you feel a slight muscle pain, you should go ahead and ice it as quickly as possible to reduce inflammation to avoid more injury. I had already moved my laptop to the table from the coffee table, thus I wasn’t able to write the day’s notes.

It’s nearly 7am as I post this now. Must get a move on….breakfast, cardio, massage, abs/core, swimming (hurrah!), 1-on-1, nutrition, and another boot camp with Marco (I wonder if it will be his Evil Twin again) today.

Happy St. Paddy’s Day, y’all! I think I have something green to wear today…I must have some green panties, I’m sure! Peter, even if you’re not Irish and not wearing green, I’d pinch you anyway ;-)

Hope you’re all having a great day so far!

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