Sunday, March 29, 2009

Day Twenty-One – Good Habits and Bad Habits

    Today’s Schedule:
  • Beach Walk (1 ¼ hrs, 2.5 miles)
  • Abs/core workout (1/2 hr)
  • Swimming (1 hr, 1 mile)
  • 1-on-1 training session (1 hr)
  • Gym Boot Camp, AND
I think we’ve all heard it said that it takes three weeks to create a new habit. Today was the end of my third week so I’ve thought a lot about what new habits I’ve created and what bad habits I’ve eliminated. Bad -- I’m not falling asleep watching TV anymore; Good -- I am getting good, restful sleep for the first time in years. Bad -- I’m not snacking nor having cravings; Good -- I’m eating four healthy, balanced meals a day, each with small but filling portions. Bad – I’m not dreading what the day ahead has in store for me; Good – when I wake each morning I can’t wait to see what new strengths I can achieve. Bad -- I’m not sitting on my arse wishing I had the energy to clean house or work out or cook a healthy meal; Good -- I am working out nearly 30 hours a week, and while I won’t continue exercising that many hours per week once I’ve left this camp, I’m CONFIDENT that I will do something that is healthy every day. I CANNOT WAIT to take brisk walks on Horseshoe Bay Beach in Bermuda every day while I’m there in June. At my Mom’s, I will hop on her treadmill or use her Wii Fit. When I’m travelling, I will look for ways to exercise and enjoy the places that I will visit. Except for injury or illness, I have no reason not to do that, and actually, I know that I will WANT to, ‘cause it feels so good. Have any of you created new habits in the last three weeks? Or, what habits do you want to create and which ones do you want to break?

When I received my schedule for Tuesday on Monday evening, it said, “Weigh-In” at the top. I weighed in on Wednesday last week so I didn’t expect it to be on this day. I was hoping for good numbers, but I’m always wondering which week will be my “plateau” week. I was hoping for at least 5 lbs and 5 inches. I can see differences in the mirror….my face is thinner and my profile is more narrow (still wide, but just not as wide); I also see the difference in my tshirts as they are not tight around my stomach and hips. The three LIFE/Camp Technique t-shirts that were given to me when I arrived are too big for me! After a brisk, but not-so-lovely beach walk (because the wind storm from the previous two days wrought havoc on the beach; lots of junk on the beach; yuck!), back at the office Nicola weighed and measured me. Another 4 lbs lost. That’s 11 lbs so far. That by itself doesn’t sound so great to me. BUT!!!!! As Nicola was taking my measurements and writing them down, she would say, “1 inch” and then “2 inches” and “another 2 inches” and “2 more inches” and then I lost count! In the end, I had lost another 11 ¾ inches, for a total of 30 ¼ inches in twenty days. I am just FLOORED by this! And THRILLED.

Of course my mood is soaring now. And my focus is razor sharp. On Sunday, while walking along Santa Monica Boulevard and The Third Street Mall, there were tons of temptations – Starbucks, MickeyD’s, a Wine Bar, etc. I didn’t want any of them. OK, that’s a little lie….I would really LOVE to have a nice glass of red wine. I WILL be having that the day after I leave camp! Anyway, the point is, I’m focused on this goal…to lose as many inches as possible, to create a healthy lifestyle, to decrease my body fat percentage to a healthy proportion. I don’t want any distractions from that.

Speaking of distractions…Dear Automobile Drivers….please be mindful of Cyclists and Pedestrians on the road. Today, while we were returning from the beach to the gym in our van, we witnessed (actually my head was down but some of the others in the van saw it all happen) a cyclist being struck by an SUV. He was following the rules of the road; the driver of the SUV made a right turn, not yielding to him (and very obviously not paying attention) and struck him, rolling onto his bike. Omigosh, I was praying to God that he was not seriously injured. We pulled over in the van and called 911, as did other witnesses. The cyclist was moving both legs and was conscious, but still on the ground. Josie was an accident investigator for the last 15 years of her police career, so she made sure to go to the officers when they arrived to assist. Praise the Lord, the cyclist stood up! His bike was destroyed (i.e., FLATTENED). He had a gash on his leg and apparently needed stitches. We left as the LAFD had arrived and we saw the ambulance on its way, too. I was just so thankful that the man stood up. I hope he went to the hospital and had a full check up. It was very troubling to see this. When we ride our bikes, we stay in the bike lane or on the sidewalks and are on the bike paths on the beach. Where this cyclist was struck, there was no bike path, but he appeared to be a seasoned cyclist as he had all the necessary gear and he was minding the rules of the road. The SUV driver was definitely at fault and there were several witnesses to prove it. When I’m crossing intersections, even if I have the “GO” symbol, I still ensure that the cars that are waiting to turn see me first before I go. Anyway….please share the road safely with us cyclists and pedestrians!! Trust me….getting to work or home a few seconds or minutes sooner by speeding is not worth someone’s life!

One of the services that are included in the camp is Posture Analysis. Amber is certified with Egoscue which specializes in posture analysis and correction. In my situation, likely due to my motorscooter accident and subsequent knee surgery on my right knee in November 2000, I have been favoring my left leg ever so slightly; this is more noticeable now while exercising because everything on my left side is rebelling against me. Thus, today, my 1-on-1 session with Amber concentrated on posture exercises. Some of them might seem quite easy. For example, the first exercise is to lie on the floor with my legs up on the sofa or a seat, for example, so that my knees are bent at a 90-degree angle. The goal is to let the back and hips to simply relax into their proper position. Another exercise involves lying on my back again and stretching out one leg on a “tower” while the other leg is bent. Believe it or not, this stretches and muscles and knees and hip joints back into their proper shape. Let me tell you…when you feel that muscle stretching and the joints moving back into place, it’s NOT “quite easy.” I won’t even get into the wall stand; let’s just say that feels like someone has lit a fire under my heels and the fire slowly rises up my legs, butt, then back. I might as well be Joan of Arc being burned to death! It’s all for good though, and thus when you hear that I’ve worked on posture, I’m doing exercises like this that will help re-align everything. I’m STILL going to have to visit a chiropractor soon, I think (Dr. Robinson, can’t you come see me in L.A.?).

We had a good final gym boot camp with Marco at the end of the day. It’s incredible to me how the simplest positions can create the most torture…more so than lifting any weights or going the extra mile. Try slipping down into a deep squat, slightly bent at the waist, with your arms raised straight above your head. And then hold it! OUCH! Talk about make your heart rate go up!! I know I have moved up a level in my fitness but I still have a long way to go; simple exercises like that squat prove that.

On the books for tomorrow are a bike ride, circuit training, a 1-on-1 session, and another boot camp. I’m also getting DUNKED tomorrow. Normally this happens once every two weeks, but I had an extra dunk last week; thus tomorrow’s is the normally scheduled dunk. Hopefully it will show that I’ve decreased my body fat percentage some more – I imagine it HAS TO show that with all the inches that I’ve lost. That has to be 30 inches of fat that I’ve lost, don’t you think?

I’ve heard it’s CHILLY in Bermuda tonight. Hope you’re all staying as warm as you can wherever you are. I’m ready for SUMMER! Have a great Hump Day!

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